Why should I choose SpaceiShare?
SpaceiShare is Canada’s first transactional sharing economy site for space!
Our goal is simple: to connect people who need space with people who have space.
With SpaceiShare, people now have a lot more choice and not only the ability to save money, but also to make money. We’re leveraging your neighbours and the community at large to make it a win-win for everyone. Now you have more options for storage and parking on an easy-to-use platform. Joining SpaceiShare is free and all Hosts and Renters will be protected by our SpaceiShare Coverage & Liability policy.
Where is SpaceiShare available?
SpaceiShare is available all across Canada with a focus on Ontario. While our coverage policy covers only Canada, transactions may occur from anywhere.
How do I sign up?
Becoming a member of SpaceiShare is free for both Hosts and Renters. To join today, click here: https://spaceishare.com/Register
What types of spaces can I rent?
On SpaceiShare, Renters will find spaces for storage and parking. All spaces will be unique so take the time to look through all the listings on SpaceiShare to ensure you find the most suitable space for your needs.
What happens after I make a booking request?
As a Renter, you can make a booking request at any time. After a request is made, the Host will have 36 hours to respond. If a booking request is accepted, SpaceiShare will process your payment and you will receive an email with additional details about your space rental. Once you have a confirmed booking, you will then contact the Host directly to make arrangements. Don’t be surprised if there’s a bit of back and forth communication as there will certainly be a number of details to iron out. Also, remember that the SpaceiShare Legal Agreement must be signed by both parties and submitted to SpaceiShare within 3 days of the occupancy date for storage and parking. This ensures that you’ll be covered by SpaceiShare’s coverage. If your booking request is denied by the Host, you will not be charged.
How do I cancel a reservation?
All Renters are given a Cooling Off Period which means you will have 48 hours, from the time of a Confirmed Booking, to cancel your reservation. If you decide to cancel a Confirmed Booking outside of the Cooling Off Period, either before or after the Occupancy Start Date, you must provide 4 weeks’ notice in writing to the Host. For more information on SpaceiShare’s cancellation policy, see our Terms & Conditions. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at 1-844-977-7223 or support@spaceishare.com
How long can I rent a space?
The length of your space rental will be agreed upon between you and the Host. It is up to the Host to decide if the length of term is acceptable and you may correspond on our platform to confirm details.
Who do I pay?
Your payments will always be processed through SpaceiShare. Making your payments through SpaceiShare will ensure you are protected under our Terms & Conditions and cancellation/refund policies.
What do I do if a Host asks me for payment directly?
A Host should never ask you for payment directly. If you make payments outside of SpaceiShare, your personal information will not be protected and you will be at greater risk of fraud and other security issues. Your coverage and liability will also not be covered. If you are asked to pay a Host directly, please contact us at 1-844-977-7223 or support@spaceishare.com.
Why do I need to complete the SpaceiShare Agreement?
Whether you are renting space for storage or parking, it is important that you complete the SpaceiShare Agreement. The Agreement allows both you and the Host to clearly outline expectations for the space rental and is meant to provide protection for both parties (should any issues arise). In addition, it verifies information and allows you to be eligible for the SpaceiShare Coverage and Liability. Both the Renter and Host will need to complete the form and send back the signed version to SpaceiShare within 3 days.
What should I do if I have issues with a Host?
It is important for you to have open communication with your Host and to make sure the SpaceiShare Agreement is completed by both parties. This will help ensure that details around the space rental are clear and expectations are aligned. Should any issues arise between you and your Host, always try to resolve the issues directly with the Host first. If you need help with an issue, you can contact us at 1-844-977-7223 or support@spaceishare.com.
Do I need insurance?
As a Renter, if you damage a Host’s property, you are responsible. We strongly recommend you review your current homeowners or renter’s insurance to ensure you have suitable coverage. Many policies cover property outside of your home for 30 days or less. With SpaceiShare, our platform protects those that transact within the system. That means that once payments and Agreements are completed, you will be covered by the SpaceiShare coverage. This policy provides additional coverage for Hosts who are renting out space as a “business” and for Renters who are storing items outside their own property.
What type of space can I rent out?
On SpaceiShare, you can rent out your home space for storage & parking.
For storage, typical spaces include basements, spare rooms, attics, crawl spaces, garages and sheds. For parking, you can rent out a spot inside your garage or outside on your driveway. No space is too big or small. Some people simply have a bicycle or winter tires they need to store. Others may have the entire contents of a home. Vehicle storage includes boats, cars, RVs, food trucks, school busses and other big and small vehicles that require space. Even tiny homes need a plot of land to park.
If you have a space (like a garage) that can work for either storage or parking, SpaceiShare recommends you post 2 listings at differing prices (storage usually makes you more money).
What does it cost to list my space?
Putting up listings on SpaceiShare is free so if you want to put up multiple listings, go for it! SpaceiShare charges a small service fee simply to cover merchant transactions fees.
How will SpaceiShare advertise my space?
To help build up the SpaceiShare community and to drive Renters to your listings, SpaceiShare will advertise both online and offline. Advertising will include things such as internet ads, paid search, targeted emails, newsletters, social posts, blogs and flyers.
How am I protected as a Host?
When renting out your space, it is imperative that both you and the Renter complete the SpaceiShare Agreement. For storage and parking, the Agreement must be submitted to SpaceiShare within 3 days of the contract start date. The SpaceiShare Agreement was created to ensure that both Hosts and Renters are protected. For storage, it is also imperative that you collect photos of the space before and after the Renter moves in. This is important to collect information for the SpaceiShare Coverage and Liability, which provides further protection for Hosts and Renters. For more information about SpaceiShare Assurance, see our Terms & Conditions.
What if I need help listing my space?
The SpaceiShare team is always available to help! If you need assistance with your listing, please contact us at 1-844-977-7223 or support@spaceishare.com
What if I have space, but need help clearing it out?
Spaceishare would love to help you with your clutter needs. Please contact us at 1-844-977-7223 or support@spaceishare.com and we can make arrangements to assist you. SpaceiShare is connected with a number of organizations that might find value with your items. After all, one person’s trash is another person’s treasure!
How much should I charge?
As the Host, you get to decide what your space is worth, but remember that one of the reasons Renters use SpaceiShare is because they are looking to save money. Typically, your price should be 30-50% less than what a Renter would pay for corporate space. If you want help setting your price, check out the SpaceiShare Calculator here:.
Why do I need to complete the SpaceiShare Agreement?
Completing the SpaceiShare Agreement is important because it ensures that you and the Renter are aligned on expectations of the space rental. The Agreement will include all the important details of the space rental and will allow you to clearly outline your House Rules. In addition, it verifies information and allows you to be eligible for the SpaceiShare Assurance program. Both the Host and Renter will need to complete the form and send back the signed version to SpaceiShare within 3 days.
Can I decline a Renter’s request for a reservation?
As a Host, you have full control of who can rent your space. If you choose to decline a Renter’s request, you should respond promptly (within 24 hours) and ideally let the person know why the space rental won’t work out. Remember to keep your listing calendar updated on an ongoing basis to ensure you don’t get any inquiries from Renters for dates that aren’t available.
How do I cancel a reservation?
All Hosts are given a Cooling Off Period which means you will have 48 hours, from the time of a Confirmed Booking, to cancel a reservation. If you decide to cancel a Confirmed Booking outside of the Cooling Off Period, either before or after the Renter’s Occupancy Start Date, you must provide 4 weeks’ notice in writing to the Renter. For more information on SpaceiShare’s cancellation policy, see our Terms & Conditions. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at 1-844-977-7223 or support@spaceishare.com
What do I do if a Renter damages my property?
If a Renter causes damage to your property, the Renter is 100% responsible. Depending on the issue created by the Renter, the SpaceiShare Coverage policy may apply. For more information, please review our Terms & Conditions.
What should you do if you have issues with a Renter?
To avoid potential issues with Renters, make sure the SpaceiShare Agreement is completed by both parties and you have open communication with your Renter. If any issues do arise, it is best for you to try and resolve the problem directly with the Renter. If you are having difficulties settling an issue with a Renter, please contact us at 1-844-977-7223 or support@spaceishare.com
Do I need insurance?
As a Host, if you damage a Renter’s property, you are responsible. The SpaceiShare Coverage and Liability policy was created to provide both Renters and Hosts protection and peace of mind. SpaceiShare coverage only comes into effect once all insurance policy options have been exhausted on both the Host and Renter side. Please refer to our Terms & Conditions.
I’m selling my home; what notice should I give the Renter?
As a courtesy to your Renter, you should give them as much notice as possible. For storage and parking, the minimum amount of notice you should give your Renter is 8 weeks. As a Host, you will be charged half a month’s rent by SpaceiShare for breaking your contract.
I now need the space for my own stuff, how do I cancel our agreement?
If you decide that you need your space back and want to cancel your agreement with a Renter, you must give the Renter 8 weeks notice so they can remove their belongings and find an alternative location. If the Renter is unable to collect their belongings in that time frame, please contact us at 1-844-977-7223 or support@spaceishare.com to find a solution. As a Host, you will be charged half a month’s rent by SpaceiShare for breaking your contract.
What if the Renter only needs ½ my space? Can I put up another listing?
Absolutely! As it is free to list your space, simply create a new listing with the price for half the space. Be sure to indicate if the space will be shared with another Renter and if access will also be shared. It’s important that everyone’s belongings are kept safe at this time.
How much access will I have to the storage space?
There are two types of storage spaces: Full Private Access or Partial Access. Full Private Access means a Renter has unsupervised access to the space and is responsible for securing the space as instructed by the Host (e.g. garage that can be locked up). Partial access means a Renter must be accompanied by the Host when accessing the Space (e.g. attic in a home). Every listing is different so it’s up to you to choose what type of access best suits your needs.
Will my space be locked up?
All spaces will be different so make sure to review the features carefully in each listing. Some spaces will be locked, with only the Renter having access (e.g. shed). Other spaces will be within a Host’s home, but will be locked and the Host won’t have access (e.g. spare room). And, some spaces won’t be locked at all (e.g. basement which the Host has access to). Whatever level of access you require is entirely up to you, as long as you find the right Host who can accommodate your needs.
How can I be sure that my items are safe?
We get this question a lot! SpaceiShare is driven to ensure that each and every Space transaction occurs with the utmost of safety and trust in mind. To give you protection and peace-of-mind, SpaceiShare has a number of safeguards in place which include:
What are acceptable items for storage?
There are a multitude of items that you could store. Here is a brief list of things you might consider:
Baby Gear and children’s clothes
Electronic equipment
Books, DVDs and music
(Non-valuable) Estate items
Work-related items (e.g. plumbing equipment, furnishings for staging homes)
What can’t I store?
You can reference our list in the SpaceiShare Storage Agreement or in our Terms and Conditions but here is a brief outline:
No toxic or contaminated goods, perishables, valuables, illegal substances or live plants or animals. You may also not store anything that may be mouldy or infested with parasites. No odour-emitting items, valuable documents or weapons. You must ensure that nothing you store will harm the Host or the Host’s property in any way.
Why do I need to complete the SpaceiShare Storage Agreement inventory list?
The inventory list ensures that you and the Host are both in agreement with what you’re storing on their property. It also safeguards you in the instance that there is a problem and the Host is in disagreement with the value of the items at a later date. The Agreement must be sent to SpaceiShare within 3 days of moving your contents in, to ensure we have the most up-to-date information signed off by you and the Host. It protects you and your belongings. Should any items change throughout the course of your agreement, you must submit a updated document.
Can I send someone else to drop off or pick up my items?
That depends on the agreement you have with your Host and the information you provide them in the SpaceiShare Storage Agreement. If you have Full Private Access, you generally can send someone to collect items and the Host doesn’t need to arrange anyone to be there (although we suggest contacting the Host anyway to give them a heads up). For Partial Access, you should contact the Host and tell them you’re sending someone by to collect or drop off something. So long as your Host is okay with it, then it’s fine.
How do I store my items safely and what’s the protocol when moving in?
You should ensure all of your items are stored securely in boxes and ready for moving into your Host’s home. The idea is that the move-in is as quick as possible, therefore, ensure that you’ve confirmed all that you want stored before moving in. Let your Host know what is being stored and how many items will be going into the home (unless it’s outside access). Also, be sure to label all your boxes and take photos inside each box. This not only helps you to remember what you stored, it also helps us in case there are any insurance issues.
When moving large items, it’s important to protect your boxes and furniture as well as the walls and doorways of your Host’s home. It’s always a good idea to do a site visit before moving in, that way, you can ensure that your items will move in easily without hassle. Please note, SpaceiShare does not reveal your Host’s full address until payment has been made, so a site visit will occur after you’ve confirmed you’re moving in.
How often can I access my items?
There are 2 types of access: Full Private Access and Partial Access. If you have Full Private Access, you will be able to access your belongings at any time (and without the supervision from the Host). If you have Partial Access, this means the Host will need to accompany you into the space so you will need to contact your Host to arrange a time to access your belongings. The frequency of access into your space rental will depend on what was indicated in the Host’s listing and what you agree to in your SpaceiShare Storage Agreement. If you’re having any issues with access, please contact us at 1-844-977-7223 or support@spaceishare.com.
Can I inspect the Renter’s items?
When your Renter is moving items in, it is highly recommended that you both go over the SpaceiShare Storage Agreement to confirm the contents and value. This will not only protect you, should something happen to the Renter’s belongings, this will also give you peace of mind that you’re not storing anything that might be problematic. Your Renter should be comfortable showing a few boxes to give you a sense of what’s going in your home. Beyond that, you should respect a Renter’s belongings and should never open or sift through any items unless you have permission from the Renter.
What happens to abandoned property?
Should your Renter go missing, and recurring payments stop processing, it is important that you contact SpaceiShare at 1-844-977-7223 or support@spaceishare.com so we many intervene and assist you with remuneration or moving the contents out of your home.
How do I change my password?
In the top right corner of the page is your username and profile picture. Click on your username which will give you a dropdown menu. Click “Settings”, followed by “Account” (left side) and your password will pop up. To the right of it will be “Change.”
How do I delete my account?
It’s simple to delete your account, but remember, once deleted, you’ll have to upload all your information, verification and images again should you want to rejoin. Also, if you’re a Host, ensure that you’re not still accepting money from a Renter through Stripe. This will delete any auto-payments into your account and give you no further record of your transactions with your Renter.
Please check:
To delete your account, login and click on your username, which will give you a dropdown menu. Select “Settings”, followed by “Account”. Under “Account”, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click “Permanently delete my Account.”
How do I change my account settings?
Login and click on your username, which will give you a dropdown menu. Select “Settings”, followed by “Account”. Once you’re in “Account”, you can make changes as needed to your profile. You may also click on “Profile” to edit location details.
Where’s my profile picture?
f you signed up using Facebook then your profile picture will be the same as the one you have on Facebook. If you signed up to SpaceiShare through email, login and click on your username, which will give you a dropdown menu. Click on “Settings”, followed by “Profile Info” and you will find your profile picture.
How do I connect my profile to other social profiles?
We can connect other social profiles to SpaceiShare, but cannot connect your SpaceiShare profile to other sites. You can, however, promote your listing through Facebook and Twitter; login and click on your username which will give you a dropdown menu, then click on “Profile”. Click on your listing and scroll down until you see the Facebook and Twitter icons. You can click on one of those buttons to promote your listings to family and friends.
What payment options are available?
SpaceiShare uses Stripe – one of the world’s most recognizable, trusted and safest payment gateway in the world. Stripe allows you to make payments with credit card or your bank account depending on whether you’ve signed up for a Stripe account.
As a Host, when and how will I get paid?
As a Host, one of your first tasks is to connect a Stripe account to your Profile. For Hosts, you are required to allow SpaceiShare to accept money on your behalf or hook up your bank account directly to Stripe. This is a simple process and requires basic information plus your bank account details in order to ensure that all payments are sent directly to you. If you prefer not to include bank information, SpaceiShare can send you an e-transfer upon request. The money will be available on your dashboard and will stay there for any amount of time until you’re ready to collect. There is a $5.00 charge for every etransfer. You will be unable to post a listing unless you check a box allowing SpaceiShare to accept payments through Stripe. Once set up, payments for all your space rentals will be sent to you within 48 hours of an Occupancy Start Date unless there are any merchant account holdbacks (up to 7 days). If you have any trouble with Stripe please contact us at 1-844-YR-SPACE (977-7223) or support@spaceishare.com.
As a Renter, when does the payment get processed?
Once you’ve sent payment through Stripe, the Host is notified that a payment is pending for the space rental. As soon as the Host agrees to rent you the space, payment will be accepted and the transaction will be completed. At this point, it’s important to get in touch immediately with your Host to make arrangements for the space. If you’re renting on a weekly or monthly basis, the payments will occur on a Recurring Payment system, whereby you grant Stripe the authorization to approve a regular withdrawal.
Why did my credit card payment fail?
The number one reason your credit card failed is likely that you entered the wrong numbers. Simply check your info again and re-enter. Should you suspect your credit card might be at capacity, make a payment through your bank and try again. The other reason your credit card may not process successfully is because of your credit card company’s fraud protection. Sometimes online transactions will be flagged by your credit card company as potential fraud, so give them a call so you can authorize the transaction. If you need assistance, please contact us at 1-844-YR-SPACE (977-7223) or support@spaceishare.com.
Are my contact details publicly accessible?
No, they are not. Your email address, phone number and home address are kept hidden from all users until the time you accept a rental from a SpaceiShare member. At this stage, an email is sent to your Renter who may then contact you directly to discuss the space rental.
Is my listing’s address kept private?
Only a Renter who has made payment for your space will see your listing’s address. The site will indicate your postal code to give all users a general idea of the area you live, but unless you indicate it in your description, it’s hidden at all times.